Simonsig Brand Day by Mandarinfox and SimpleWine

Client events
Brand Promotion
Simonsig Brand Day by Mandarinfox and SimpleWine
Simonsig Brand Day by Mandarinfox and SimpleWine
Simplewine, one of the major distributors of alcoholic beverages, has added the South African wine brand Simonsig to its product line.

This is a big win, and the company wanted to not just celebrate thе event, but to convey its significance to everyone: employees of the company, customers in retail stores, clients of Simplewine Privé.

Here, we were responsible for the entire marketing campaign, developed the key visual, communication, and design. Finally, we hosted an amazing sunset launch party for premium customers. We created the aesthetics of an old winery, invited theater actors for a complete immersion in another culture. The result is an elegant, luxurious, very relaxed experience that delights all the senses.
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